Hydraulic Actuators

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The AVM Hydraulic Actuator is a tailor made actuator for simple on/off to advanced controls, such as regulation or failsafe in combination with the AVM Hydraulic Pump Unit.


Size Range:             For any size of valve
Working pressure:  For any working pressure
Design standards:  Following ISO 4413:2010 Safety Standard



  • Suitable for Butterfly Valves, Combined Butterfly Check Valves, Plug Valves, Ball Valves, Plug Valves or Ball Vlaves with Emergency Closure by Weights, Gate Valves
  • Wear and maintenance free for years
  • 4:1 safety factor
  • 2:1 working pressure safety factor for emergency situations
  • Allow variable closing/opening speeds at different parts of the closure - Hydraulic Pump Unit dependent
  • Can operate 24/7
  • Available fully in stainless steel
  • Available for on/off duty or emergency closure



English: AVM Hydraulic Actuator
Deutsch: AVM Hydraulischer Antrieb
Español: AVM Actuador Hidráulico